Lactation Oatmeal
Single-serving, instant oatmeal packets for breastfeeding moms, across the globe. Our instant packs require only boiling water and are extremely nutrient and mineral dense while being packed to the brim with milk-boosting magic. Our packs are intentionally CLEAN, utilizing nature's mineral-dense plants, sweeteners and sources of protein and iron. We want moms to have access, not only to a quick milk boost, but to a bowl of energy and vitality, so they can be their best mom!
We are on mission to extend MOMMA'S MAGIC into a Christian commission project : our goal in the next six months is to be able to take a proceed of each sale and use it to provide daily breastfeeding packs to moms in third world countries. Every year 1.2 MILLION babies under 6 months die from a lack of exclusive breastfeeding in third world countries (due to an early introduction of harmful bacterias in contaminated water and food). Oftentimes, the issue preventing the exclusive breastfeeding of the infant is that the mother is undernourished, resulting in an inability to exclusively breastfeed. We have created a COMPLETE PACK, only requiring water, which would provide a mother, in an undernourished situation, with enough calories, vitamins and minerals to sustain herself and an exclusively breastfed baby, each day.
Psalm 22:9 says "Yet You brought me safely from my mother's womb and led me to trust You at my mother's breast."
It conveys the knowledge that God had cared for David before birth, since birth and proclaims that even before David knew it, when he was upon his mother's breast, he was reliant upon God -- and he would continue to be throughout his life.

You shouldn't have to trade ease and efficiency for clean nutrition - they go hand in hand!
The superstar, milk-making lineup :
brewers yeast
flax seed
blackstrap molasses
sea salt
Additional (depending on flavor pack)
*powdered peanut butter
*Enjoy Life chocolate chips
Brewers Yeast
-acts as a "galactagogue" (a substance that promotes lactation due to a rich nutrtional profile)
-100% daily value of vitamin B
-10% daily value of iron
-10% daily value of protein
-contain phytoestrogens, which mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, stimulating mammary gland development and a milk production increase
Flax Seed
-increase prolactin (hormone responsible for milk supply)
-rich omega 3 profile, making more nutrient-dense milk
-contain phytoestrogens, which mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, stimulating mammary gland development and a milk production increase

-increase prolactin (hormone responsible for milk supply)
-contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber that stimulates milk production
-10% daily value of magnesium
-10% daily value of iron
Blackstrap Molasses
20% daily value of iron
10% daily value of magnesium
10% daily value of calcium
-rich antioxidant profile for immunity boost
-rich antioxidant profile for immunity boost
-anti-inflammatory : containing flavonoids and phenolic acid, reducing bodily stress and inflammation
-antiviral and antibacterial, boosting immunity
Simply empty the packet into a bowl and bring two (2) cups of water (or milk) to a boil and pour over the contents in bowl. Stir and let sit for two minutes. Add anything else you enjoy on your oatmeal!
Proven to boost milk production between 6-12 hours after consumption.
Start with one pack per day and increase to two if necessary - usually one is more than enough!
You may notice some gassiness (due to the fiber profile of many of these ingredients, which is SUPER for milk production). If your baby seems bothered by the gas, reduce to a 1/2 pouch at each serving.